Powerful Poetry of the Day

Can we just take a quick moment today to appreciate how beautiful and powerful Maya Angelou’s poem, Still I Rise is? Read that out loud and tell me you don’t feel that beauty and power… You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may tread me in the very dirt…

Friday’s Findings!

Todays piece of advice is: Realize that you can treat yourself without breaking the bank. Self-care is hard when you’re on a budget, trust me I know. But sometimes the problem isn’t that we can’t afford it, it’s that sometimes we don’t think we deserve it or we forget about ourselves because we’re worrying about…

Love Yourself…

So my last post that I made was about an interview that I went on a few weeks ago that I had been preparing and preparing and preparing for that I ended up tanking really badly. And since it was a long story I decided to save the real moral of the story for another…

Interview Nightmare

Two weeks ago I went on an interview that I had been preparing for since March, so a month and a half of preparation went into this interview. For this interview I was asked to prepare a presentation on anything I wanted. Mind you public speaking is my biggest challenge but I wrote this presentation,…

A little Sunday advice…

Prepare for the bad but focus on the good. For example, when it’s going to rain you bring an umbrella but you don’t cancel your plans. You can prepare yourself for obstacles without stopping yourself from achieving your goals. Do what you need to do to equip and prepare yourself but keep your eyes on…

Appreciate Those Who Want the Best for You.

The people around you that yell at you and get angry with you when you mess up, those are people that care. They’re yelling and upset because they’re invested, not because they don’t love you. It might seem like they don’t love and care about you in the moment but if they really didn’t love…